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Below is a short description of what we do. To find out more call the office between 10am and 1pm Monday to Friday on

01332 863585. We do charge for the services but this is only to cover our costs. We are not a profit-making operation but since we receive not a penny of funding, we do need the odd pound to keep going.

Community Minibus

We run a newly acquired 16 seater minibus which has a wheelchair lift. There is a weekly service from your home to the local supermarket which gives people who need a helping hand the independence to do their own shopping. This service covers Melbourne of course but also Ticknall, Stanton, Wilson and points in between. To book a place please call the office.
We also organise regular day trips for shopping and to places of interest. Previous trips have included visits to Bakewell on Market Day, Solihull Touchwood Shopping Centre, Stratford on Avon, and various garden centres. We put a notice of future trips in our window on Derby Road.

Volunteer Car Service

If you need to go to Derby for a hospital appointment or to the GP Surgery in Melbourne or Chellaston, or even to your favourite hairdresser, give us a call. We have a team of volunteer car drivers who offer their time to take you there
and bring you back. They use their own cars, know the best routes, where to park and are very helpful.


There is a charge to cover their costs but it is less than a taxi and much more convenient than hospital transport.

Wheelchair Loans

Often when you come out of hospital or have had an accident at home, you need a wheelchair for a week or two. We can help. We have a number of available for a short-term loan. They are easy to use and will fold to go in the boot of a normal car. You just need someone to push you!

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Melbourne Community Care is a registered charity: number 1191520


Unit D Williams Yard

Derby Road



Tel: 01332 863585

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